China Factory Activity Shrinks for First Time in 2 Years

China’s factory activity shrank in December for the first time in more than two years, an official survey showed Monday, intensifying pressure on Beijing to reverse an economic slowdown as it enters trade talks with the Trump administration.

The purchasing managers’ index of the National Bureau of Statistics and an industry group, the China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, fell to 49.4 from November’s 50.0 on a 100-point scale. Any reading below 50 shows that activity is contracting. The December figure was the lowest since February 2016 and the first drop since July 2016.


In the quarter that ended in September, China’s economic growth sank to a post-global crisis low of 6.5 percent compared with a year earlier. The slowdown occurred despite government efforts to stem the downturn by ordering banks to lend more and by boosting spending on public works construction.


Forecasters expect annual growth of about 6.5 percent, down slightly from 2017’s 6.7 percent. But some industry segments, including auto and real estate sales, have suffered more serious declines.


“Downward pressure on the economy is still large,” economist Zhang Liqun said in a statement issued with the PMI.


Overall orders and exports both contracted, indicating that Chinese factories are suffering from weak demand at home and abroad. Exports to the United States kept growing at double-digit monthly rates through late 2018 despite President Donald Trump’s punitive tariffs. But growth in exports to the rest of the world fell sharply in November and forecasters expect American demand to weaken in early 2019.


That adds to complications for Chinese leaders who are trying to reverse a broad economic slowdown and avert politically dangerous job losses.


Chinese and U.S. envoys are due to meet in early January for negotiations that are intended to resolve their economically threatening trade war. Over the weekend, Trump sounded an optimistic note, tweeting that he had spoken with President Xi Jinping by phone.


“Deal is moving along very well,” Trump tweeted. “If made, it will be very comprehensive, covering all subjects, areas and points of dispute. Big progress being made!”


But economists say the 90-day moratorium on new penalties that was agreed to by Trump and Xi on Dec. 1 is likely too little time to resolve their sprawling dispute.


Chinese economic activity already was weakening after Beijing tightened controls on bank lending in late 2017 to cool a debt boom. The downturn was more abrupt than expected, which prompted regulators to shift course and ease credit controls. But they moved gradually to avoid reigniting a rise in debt. Their measures have yet to put a floor under declining growth.


Chinese leaders promised at an annual economic planning meeting in mid-December to shore up growth with tax cuts, easier lending for entrepreneurs and other steps.



Kenyan GDP Growth at 6 Percent in Third Quarter 2018

Kenya’s economy expanded faster in the third quarter of this year than in the same period last year due to strong performance in the agriculture and construction sectors, the statistics office said on Monday.

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics said the economy grew 6 percent in the third quarter of 2018, compared with 4.7 percent in the same period in 2017.

It said the agriculture sector expanded by 5.2 percent compared with 3.7 percent in the third quarter of 2017, helped by better weather.

“Prices of key food crops remained low during the quarter compared to the corresponding quarter of 2017, an indication of relative stability in supply,” KNBS said.

Manufacturing grew by 3.2 percent from a 0.1 percent contraction in the third quarter of 2017, KNBS said.

It said that the electricity and water supply sector grew by 8.5 percent from 4.5 percent in the third quarter of 2017, mainly due to a big increase in the generation of electricity from hydro and geothermal sources.

Gross foreign reserves increased to 1,222.5 billion from 1,085.6 billion in the same period of last year.

The current account deficit narrowed by 23 percent to 116 billion Kenyan shillings ($1.14 billion), it said.

This was mainly due to lower imports of food and higher value of exports of goods and services.

The government forecasts that the economy will expand by 6.2 percent in 2019, up from a forecast 6.0 percent this year.

The Euro Currency Turns 20 Years Old on Tuesday

The euro currency turns 20 years old on January 1, surviving two tumultuous decades and becoming the world’s No. 2 currency.

After 20 years, the euro has become a fixture in financial markets, although it remains behind the dollar, which dominates the world’s market.

The euro has weathered several major challenges, including difficulties at its launch, the 2008 financial crisis, and a eurozone debt crisis that culminated in bailouts of several countries.

Those crises tested the unity of the eurozone, the 19 European Union countries that use the euro. While some analysts say the turmoil and the euro’s resilience has strengthened the currency and made it less susceptible to future troubles, other observers say the euro will remain fragile unless there is more eurozone integration.


The euro was born on January 1, 1999, existing initially only as a virtual currency used in financial transactions. Europeans began using the currency in their wallets three years later when the first Euro notes and coins were introduced.

At that time, only 11 member states were using the currency and had to qualify by meeting the requirements for limits on debt, deficits and inflation. EU members Britain and Denmark received opt-outs ahead of the currency’s creation.

The currency is now used by over 340 million people in 19 European Union countries, which are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.

Other EU members are required to join the eurozone when they meet the currency’s monetary requirements.


Today, the euro is the most popular than it has ever been over the past two decades, despite the rise of populist movements in several European countries that express skepticism toward the European Union.

In a November survey for the European Central Bank, 64 percent of respondents across the eurozone said the euro was a good thing for their country. Nearly three-quarters of respondents said they thought the euro was a good thing for Europe.

In only two countries — Lithuania and Cyprus — did a majority of people think the euro is a bad thing for their nation.

That is a big contrast to 2010, the year that both Greece and Ireland were receiving international bailout packages, when only 51 percent of respondents thought the euro was a good thing for their country.


The euro faced immediate challenges at its beginning with predictions that the European Central Bank (ECB) was too rigid in its policy and that the currency would quickly fail. The currency wasn’t immediately loved in European homes and businesses either with many perceiving its arrival as a price hike on common goods.

Less than two years after the euro was launched — valued at $1.1747 to the U.S. dollar — it had lost 30 percent of its value and was worth just $0.8240 to the U.S. dollar. The ECB was able to intervene to successfully stop the euro from plunging further.

The biggest challenge to the block was the 2008 financial crisis, which then triggered a eurozone debt crisis that culminated in bailouts of several countries.

Tens of billions of euros were loaned to Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Cyprus and Spain, either because those countries ran out of money to save their own banks or because investors no longer wanted to invest in those nations.

The turmoil also highlighted the economic disparity between member states, particularly between the wealthier north and the debt-laden southern nations.

Poorer countries experienced both the advantages and disadvantages to being in the eurozone.

Poorer countries immediately benefited from joining the union, saving trillions of euros due to the lowering borrowing costs the new currency offered.

However, during times of economic downturn, they had fewer options to reverse the turmoil.

Typically in a financial crisis, a country’s currency would plunge, making its goods more competitive and allowing the economy to stabilize. But in the eurozone, the currency in poorer countries cannot devalue because stronger economies like Germany keep it higher.

Experts said the turbulent times of the debt crisis exposed some of the original flaws of the euro project.

However, the euro survived the financial crisis through a combination of steps from the ECB that included negative interest rates, trillions of euros in cheap loans to banks and buying more than 2.6 trillion euros in government and corporate bonds.


ECB chief Mario Draghi was credited with saving the euro in 2012 when he said the bank would do “whatever it takes” to preserve the currency.

Some experts say the flexibility of the bank proves it is able to weather financial challenges and say the turmoil of the past two decades have left the ECB better able to deal with future crises.

However, other observers say that the 19 single currency nations have not done enough to carry out political reforms necessary to better enable the countries to work together on fiscal policy and to prepare for future downturns.

Proposals for greater coordination, including a eurozone banking union as well as a eurozone budget are still in the planning phases.

Український моряк Костишин зустрічає свій день народження в «Лефортові» – Полозов

Морякові Владиславу Костишину, одному з захоплених у районі Керченської протоки українських військових, 30 грудня виповнилося 24 роки. Про це повідомив російський адвокат Микола Полозов.

«Сьогодні день народження у військовополоненого українського моряка Владислава Костишина. З днем народження, Владиславе! І якнайшвидшого повернення додому!» – написав Полозов.

Костишин – студент шостого курсу Інституту ВМС в Одесі, проходив практику на МБАК «Нікополь».

За словами Полозова, найбільше моряк хвилювався, що йому не поставлять залік в інституті через зірвану практику.

«Владислав цікавиться боксом і навіть аматорськи займається ним сам. Навіть просив свого адвоката з нашої команди захисту військовополонених Олега Єлісєєва повідомляти йому про хід боксерських поєдинків, які проходять у даний час. У «Лефортові» (слідчий ізолятор у Москві – ред.) військовополонений Владислав Костишин тримається молодцем. Він знає, що вся Україна і весь світ бореться за його свободу і свободу його товаришів. І це дає йому надію і сили», – підкреслив адвокат.

25 листопада російські силовики у Керченській протоці відкрили вогонь по українських кораблях, захопили їх і 24 членів їхніх екіпажів. Троє моряків при цьому були поранені. Усіх захоплених українців утримують у СІЗО в Москві. Українська влада визнає їх військовополоненими.

Дії Росії в районі Керченської протоки критикують у низці європейських країн і США. У НАТО заявили, що уважно стежать за розвитком подій у Керченській протоці, і закликали до стриманості й деескалації напруженості.

Канцлер Німеччини Анґела Меркель увечері 28 грудня в телефонній розмові з президентом Росії Володимиром Путіним вдруге впродовж однієї доби висловилася за звільнення українських моряків.

Раніше 28 грудня у спільній заяві канцлер Німеччини Анґела Меркель і президент Франції Емманюель Макрон вимагали від Росії гарантувати вільне і безперешкодне проходження всіх суден через Керченську протоку і негайно звільнити українських моряків, захоплених російськими силовиками.

Батрак: активістку Українського культурного центру в окупованому Сімферополі змусили звільнитися

Активістку Української Культурного центру у окупованому Сімферополі Галину Балабан, у квартирі якої 28 листопада проходив обшук, змусили звільнитися з роботи. Про це в Facebook повідомив кримський активіст Михайло Батрак.

Балабан працювала в Кримському інженерно-педагогічному університеті, на кафедрі біології, екології та безпеки життєдіяльності, фахівцем з навчально-методичної роботи.

«Після обшуку їй неодноразово пропонували написати заяву про звільнення, але вона принципово цього не робила. І ось, нещодавно, ректор Університету Чингіз Якубов, пояснив Галині, що через її діяльність, прохання звільнити її йому надходили і раніше, але він ще міг це владнати, а ось зараз якщо він її не звільнить, то будуть проблеми у нього особисто, також і у університету. Тому, як він пояснив Галині, якщо вона не піде з роботи добровільно, її звільнять за статтею, з якою її не візьмуть працювати навіть прибиральницею. Через це вона була змушена написати заяву на звільнення з університету. Сьогодні був її останній робочий день в університеті, в якому вона працювала з 2009 року», – написав Батрак.

Активіст підкреслив, що ноутбук і телефон, які були у неї вилучені під час обшуку, їй досі не повернули. Також, Балабан ще жодного разу навіть не дзвонили зі слідчого комітету, тому вона навіть не знає що відбувається в її справі.

Сама Галина Балабан поки не коментує інцидент зі звільненням. Також поки не з’явилася офіційна позиція щодо цього ректора університету Чингіза Якубова.

Читайте також: Ситуація з правами людини в Криму не змінилася – ООН

У квітні цього року активістів Українського культурного центру в Криму Олену Попову і Ольгу Павленко викликав «на бесіду» старший помічник призначеного Росією прокурора Сімферополя Олексій Пучков. Співробітника прокуратури цікавила робота центру і випуск газети «Кримський терен». Активістки скористалися правом не свідчити проти себе і своїх близьких.

Український культурний центр Криму не є політичною організацією. Він створений з метою збереження і популяризації на півострові української культури. При цьому фактична влада анексованого Росією Криму чинить тиск на учасників центру: їх викликають на допити і «бесіди» до правоохоронних органів, попереджають про неприпустимість екстремізму. Одному з лідерів Українського культурного центру в Криму Леоніду Кузьміну в 2017 році після погроз і тиску з боку силовиків довелося залишити півострів.

Луценко: коло підозрюваних у вбивстві Шеремета дуже серйозно звузилося

Коло підозрюваних у виконанні вбивства журналіста Павла Шеремета серйозно звузилося. Про це заявив генеральний прокурор України Юрій Луценко в ефірі програми «Рандеву» на «5 каналі».

«Коло підозрюваних у виконанні (убивства – ред.) дуже серйозно звузилося – з декількох тисяч до декількох сотень», – зазначив прокурор.

Він додав, що наразі правоохоронці розшукують саме виконавців злочину, а про замовників поки не йдеться.

За словами Луценка, у встановленні осіб, які здійснили злочин, «навіть ФБР не змогла надати жодної допомоги».

Журналіст Павло Шеремет був убитий 20 липня 2016 року в центрі Києва внаслідок підриву автомобіля. Українська влада кваліфікує загибель журналіста як умисне вбивство.

NASA Probe to Make History New Year’s Day

NASA scientists are getting a very special New Year’s Day gift. The New Horizons spacecraft is moving into unexplored space beyond Neptune to investigate objects so far out in our solar system they can hardly be seen by telescope. As VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports, the trip far out in space may help scientists figure out how the solar system was created.

Tiny Tracking Devices Help Protect Endangered Species From Poaching

A French technology company has created a tiny tracking device to combat poaching. The tracker is smaller, lighter and cheaper than previous methods, such as radio collars. The creators say the technology can also allow those in remote villages to share information on the internet regardless of language or literacy barriers. Arash Arabasadi reports.

Земан закликав Чехію офіційно висловити протест проти звеличення «воєнних злочинців» в Україні

Президент Чехії Мілош Земан «публічно закликав, щоб Прага офіційно висловила протест проти звеличення воєнних злочинців Україною», написав у Twitter-і речник президента Їржі Овчачек.

Міністерство закордонних справ Чехії, зокрема, його очільник Томаш Петршічек, «на вшанування бандерівців в Україні боязливо мовчить». «Якщо б це діялось в Росії, будуть видавати тисячі різних заяв. Ганьба!» – зазначено далі у Twitter-і Їржі Овчачка.

Натомість міністр закордонних справ Томаш Петршічек вважає, що Україна має сама впоратись зі своєю історією. «Україна повинна буде сама впоратись з болючими місцями своєї історії. Для цього вона мала б отримати необхідний час. Я про це говоритиму зі своїми колегами під час візиту до України на початку наступного року», – наголосив Петршічек.

Чеський міністр зазначає, що хотів би цю тему обговорити особисто, а не вказувати на щось посередництвом ЗМІ.

«Зі складними сторінками історії кожна країна повинна впоратись сама. Це не справа дипломатії оцінювати чи досліджувати історію, це справа істориків», – вважає чеське МЗС.

Верховна Рада України 6 грудня ухвалила закон, який надає «статус учасника бойових дій особам, які брали участь у всіх формах збройної боротьби за незалежність України у XX столітті у складі Української повстанської армії, Української повстанської армії отамана Тараса Боровця (Бульби) «Поліська січ», Української народної революційної армії (УНРА) і збройних підрозділів Організації українських націоналістів». Міжнародні суди не визнавали цих організацій «воєнними злочинцями», але з такими заявами постійно виступає Москва.

Президент Чехії Мілош Земан відомий своєю прихильністю до позиції Кремля і особисто президента Росії Володимира Путіна. Він не раз виступав із зовнішньополітичними заявами стосовно Росії і України, які суперечать зовнішній політиці Чехії і на які він не мав повноважень – у Чехії, відповідно до Конституції країни, зовнішня політика є виключною прерогативою уряду.

Порошенко підписав закон про прилеглу зону України

Президент України Петро Порошенко 29 грудня підписав закон «Про прилеглу зону України», ухвалений Верховною Радою України 6 грудня. Про це повідомили в Адміністрації президента.

«Метою закону є гармонізація морського законодавства України з законодавством інших причорноморських держав та інших держав-учасниць Конвенції ООН з морського права 1982 року. Також закон спрямований на попередження здійснення контрабандних операцій та нелегальних заходів суден до закритих портів тимчасово окупованих територій України», – ідеться у повідомленні.

Згідно з законом закону, прилегла зона України – це зона відкритого моря, яка прилягає до територіального моря держави і зовнішня межа якого перебуває на відстані не більше 24 морських миль, «відлічених від вихідних ліній, від яких відміряється ширина територіального моря України».

У документі також зазначається, що відповідні органи, відповідальні за недоторканність державного кордону та охорону суверенних прав України, можуть зупиняти, перевіряти, затримувати та арештовувати кораблі у виключній морській економічній зоні України та її прилеглих водах. Виключення – військові кораблі та інші державні плавзасоби, які використовуються з некомерційною метою.

Закон набирає чинності на наступний день після його опублікування.

25 листопада російські силовики у Керченській протоці відкрили вогонь по українських кораблях, захопили їх і 24 членів їхніх екіпажів. Троє моряків при цьому були поранені. Усіх захоплених українців утримують у СІЗО в Москві. Українська влада визнає їх військовополоненими.

Дії Росії в районі Керченської протоки критикують у низці європейських країн і США. У НАТО заявили, що уважно стежать за розвитком подій у Керченській протоці і закликали до стриманості й деескалації напруги.





Прилегла зона України – про що йдеться?

Договір про російське озеро

Trump Says ‘Big Progress’ on Possible China Trade Deal

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Saturday that he had a “long and very good call” with Chinese President Xi Jinping and that a possible trade deal between the United States and China was progressing well.

As a partial shutdown of the U.S. government entered its eighth day, with no quick end in sight, the Republican president was in Washington, sending out tweets attacking Democrats and talking up possibly improved relations with China.

The two nations have been in a trade war for much of 2018 that has seen the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars worth of goods between the world’s two largest economies disrupted by tariffs.

Trump and Xi agreed to a ceasefire in the trade war, agreeing to hold off on imposing more tariffs for 90 days starting Dec. 1 while they negotiate a deal to end the dispute following months of escalating tensions.

“Just had a long and very good call with President Xi of China,” Trump wrote. “Deal is moving along very well. If made, it will be very comprehensive, covering all subjects, areas and points of dispute. Big progress being made!” Chinese state media also said Xi and Trump spoke on Saturday, and quoted Xi as saying that teams from both countries have been working to implement a consensus reached with Trump.

Chinese media also quoted Xi as saying that he hopes both sides can meet each other half way and reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial as soon as possible.

Having canceled his plans to travel to his estate in Florida for the holidays because of the government shutdown that started on Dec. 22, Trump tweeted, “I am in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come on over and make a deal.”

The Republican-controlled Congress was closed for the weekend and few lawmakers were in the capital.

The shutdown, affecting about one-quarter of the federal government including 800,000 or so workers, began when funding for several agencies expired.

Congress must pass legislation to restore that funding, but has not done so due to a dispute over Trump’s demand that the bill include $5 billion in taxpayer money to help pay for a wall he wants to build along the U.S.-Mexico border.

В Україні стартував флешмоб на підтримку захоплених Росією українських моряків

Організація «Всесвітній рух патріотів України» оголосила про початок флешмобу «Жовто-блакитний кораблик на ялинку» на підтримку захоплених ФСБ Росії біля берегів окупованого Криму українських військових.

«Всесвітній рух патріотів України звернувся з ініціативою до українців і на знак солідарності з українськими моряками, захопленими в полон 25 листопада в результаті атаки кораблів Росії в районі Керченської протоки, прикрасити свої будинки й новорічні ялинки жовто-блакитними паперовими корабликами», – мовиться у повідомленні.

Канцлер Німеччини Анґела Меркель увечері 28 грудня в телефонній розмові з президентом Росії Володимиром Путіним вдруге впродовж однєї доби висловилася за звільнення українських моряків.

Раніше 28 грудня в спільній заяві канцлер Німеччини Анґела Меркель і президент Франції Емманюель Макрон вимагали від Росії гарантувати вільне і безперешкодне проходження всіх суден через Керченську протоку і негайно звільнити українських моряків, захоплених російськими силовиками.

25 листопада російські силовики у Керченській протоці відкрили вогонь по українських кораблях, захопили їх і 24 членів їхніх екіпажів. Троє моряків при цьому були поранені. Усіх захоплених українців утримують у СІЗО в Москві. Українська влада визнає їх військовополоненими.

Дії Росії в районі Керченської протоки критикують у низці європейських країн і США. У НАТО заявили, що уважно стежать за розвитком подій у Керченській протоці і закликали до стриманості й деескалації напруги.

Farmers Risk Loss of Federal Payments, Loans, From Shutdown

The end of 2018 seemed to signal good things to come for America’s farmers. Fresh off the passage of the farm bill, which reauthorized agriculture, conservation and safety net programs, the Agriculture Department last week announced a second round of direct payments to growers hardest hit by President Donald Trump’s trade war with China.

Then parts of the government shut down.

The USDA in a statement issued last week assured farmers that checks would continue to go out during the first week of the shutdown. But direct payments for farmers who haven’t certified production, as well as farm loans and disaster assistance programs, will be put on hold beginning next week, and won’t start up again until the government reopens.

There is little chance of the government shutdown ending soon. Trump and Congress are no closer to reaching a deal over his demand for border wall money, and both sides say the impasse could drag well into January.

Although certain vital USDA programs will remain operational in the short term, that could change if the shutdown lasts for more than a few weeks.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps, helps feed roughly 40 million Americans. According to the USDA, eligible recipients are guaranteed benefits through January. Other feeding programs, including WIC, which provides food aid and nutrition counseling for pregnant women, new mothers and children, and food distribution programs on Indian reservations, will continue on a local level, but additional federal funding won’t be provided. School lunch programs will continue through February.

USDA has earmarked about $9.5 billion in direct payments for growers of soybeans, corn, wheat, sorghum and other commodities most affected by tariffs. The first round of payments went out in September. The deadline to sign up for the second round of payments is January 15.

The impact of the shutdown, which began shortly before most federal workers were scheduled for a holiday break, started coming into focus by midweek.

About 420,000 employees are working without pay, while 380,000 are being forced to stay home. In the past, federal employees have been paid retroactively. But government contractors won’t get paid for hours they’ll lose staying home, causing problems for those who rely on hourly wages.

In anticipation of the financial bind many federal workers and contractors may soon find themselves in, the Office of Personnel Management offered some advice: haggle with landlords, creditors and mortgage companies for lower payments until the shutdown is over.

The shutdown also is affecting national parks, although unevenly: Some remain accessible with bare-bones staffing levels, some are operating with money from states or charitable groups, while others are locked off.


Hong Kong Economy Caught in US-China Trade Crossfire

The storm winds of the recent trade war between the United States and China have settled in a truce for now, but the weeks of agitation — of rising tariffs and counter duties — battered one economy close to Beijing: Hong Kong’s.

In December, Hong Kong government economist Andrew Au said he anticipated near-term troubles for the territory’s economic forecast. GDP growth — a year after a record high of 341.5 billion — slowed significantly, from 4.6 percent growth in the first quarter to 2.9 percent in the third.

The government says the impact of the trade war can be seen in consumer prices, slower spending and lighter trade. Consumer price inflation ticked up 2.8 percent in the third quarter. The government warned that inflation could head upward as local costs rise along with residential rental rates.

Kelvin Ho-Por Lam, a former economist with HSBC based in Hong Kong, predicted another problem for Hong Kong from overseas.

Double whammy

“It’s not just the trade war, it’s facing a double whammy at the moment,” Lam said. “The trade war impacts on this economy, which is showing up in this Hong Kong GDP over the last two quarters. The second impact is from rising interest rates in the U.S.” The Federal Reserve raised rates four times in 12 months. A slower U.S. economy means less buying from China.

Adding to the impact is great unease. 

“It poses uncertainty on the economic agents in society. Businesses are more concerned going ahead with their investment plans,” Lam said. “They’re shelving their investments and therefore they are not investing in capacity in Hong Kong or in China.”

Trade and logistics — the apparatus to move the shoes and dresses and smartphones from Chinese factories to markets worldwide — are central to Hong Kong’s economy. The sector accounts for nearly one-fifth of the city’s GDP, higher than the substantial financial and banking industry here. When tariffs hit, goods cost more to sell in the United States, which means companies decrease stock and consumers buy less.

China’s economic growth weakened in the third quarter from a year earlier, its lowest expansion since the global financial crisis in 2008.

Consumers wary

Clearly consumers are wary. Retail sales in Hong Kong, the semi-autonomous Chinese territory, grew in September at their slowest pace in 15 months. Also hurting the city was substantial damage from typhoon Mangkhut.

Favorite shops of mainland tourists — Sa Sa International, Chow Tai Food Jewelry, and Luk Fook Holdings, all posted slowed sales in the third quarter.

Hong Kong also saw its economy lag for local reasons. Home prices in what is often called the world’s least affordable market chilled this year as interest rates rose. The number of residential property transactions fell by 24 percent from 18,900 in the second quarter to 14,400 in the third quarter, according to the government.

Property sellers saw the slowdown in sales set in this summer, after the residential property market had churned hard for 28 consecutive months. Median home prices dropped by as much as 5 percent from June, agents told the South China Morning Post in October. The city’s rating and valuation Index, which tracks prices of older homes, in August marked the first monthly decline in more than two years. Even the government offered discounts. A 97,300-square-foot plot of the former Kai Tak airport in the city’s Kowloon district sold for $1.03 billion to a unit of China Overseas Land & Investment, nearly 13 percent lower than another Kai Tak sale in November.

The market chill began in August after Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, introduced a tax to compel developers to create more housing. Meanwhile, banks raised mortgage rates for the first time in 12 years.

That means mortgage holders have less extra money to spend, Kelvin Lam said. He forecast that there will be fewer tourists visiting Hong Kong, perhaps because of the volatility in China.

“The Hong Kong economy is very sensitive to these things,” he said. “It will reduce people spending for their own personal consumption.”

​Folded into China’s economy

Hong Kong produces very little domestically, Kelvin Lam pointed out. Lam said because the territory’s economy is so entwined with China’s, and because the range of products and services are so narrow, the impact of the extra tariffs will be felt on whatever the city acquires from China and re-exports.

Hong Kong is likely to suffer more during China’s downturns as the former British colony is folded into China’s economy and as the government plans for a massive technology hub to be rooted in nearby Shenzhen.

Andrew Sheng, a distinguished fellow at the Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong, wrote in an email that he didn’t think the city would encounter much inflation, despite the downward pressure coming from lower property prices and a slowing global economy.

“The Hong Kong economy will suffer from the trade conflict,” said the former central banker and financial regulator in Asia. “Although it is very resilient to overseas shocks.”

Social Media’s Year of Falling From Grace

Silicon Valley has enjoyed years of popularity and growing markets.

But 2018 has been rocky for the industry.

Data breaches, controversies over offensive speech and misinformation — as well as reports of foreign operatives’ use of their services — have left many people skeptical about the benefits of social media, experts say.

Worries about social media in Congress meant tech executives had to testify before committees several times this year.

“2018 has been a challenging year for tech companies and consumers alike,” said Pantas Sutardja, chief executive of LatticeWork Inc., a data storage firm. “Company CEOs being called to Congress for hearings and promising profusely to fix the problems of data breach but still cannot do it.”


WATCH: Social Media’s Year of Falling From Grace

An apology tour

Facebook drew the most scrutiny. The social networking giant endured criticism after revelations that its lax oversight allowed a political consulting firm to exploit millions of its users’ data.

In the spring, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, went on what was dubbed “an apology tour” to tell users that the company would do a better job of protecting their data.

The California firm faced other problems when data breaches at the site compromised user information. Other sharp criticism hit Facebook when false reports on its site sparked violence in places like Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

​Using social media to sow division

“Are America’s technology companies serving as instruments of freedom?” asked Kevin McCarthy, R-California and the House Majority Leader during a congressional hearing. “Or are they serving as instruments of manipulation used by powerful interests and foreign governments to rob the people of their power, agency, and dignity?”

Adding to concerns, the year saw new revelations of foreign operatives using social media to secretly spread divisive and often bogus messages in the U.S. and worldwide.

“It doesn’t matter to whose benefit they were operating,” said Walt Mossberg, a former tech columnist with the Wall Street Journal. “What bothers people here is that a foreign country, using our social networks, digital products and services that we have come to feel comfortable in … has come in and used that against us.”

​Tech workers stand up

In addition to data privacy and misinformation, online speech became a big issue this year. Under pressure, social media companies like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook’s Instagram tightened restrictions on the kinds of speech they tolerate on their sites.

Tech workers pressed managers about their company’s government contracts, and Google workers staged a worldwide walkout over the treatment of female colleagues.

The issue of user data has led some companies such as LatticeWork, a data storage firm, to create new ways for users to protect their data and themselves. Playing off people’s concerns about data, LatticeWorks markets its products as a way to “bring your data home.”


What’s unclear however is whether concerns about personal data and tech company decisions will spur users to leave these services. Facebook revelations prompted some like Mossberg to give up Facebook and its other services such as Instagram. He wants federal law to limit U.S. internet firms collection and use of user data.

“Governments and citizens of countries around the world need the right to regulate them without closing down free speech,” he said. “And that’s tricky.”

Some congressional members have vowed to pass a federal data privacy bill in the coming year, something that tech firms say they support.

But whether new regulations build trust in digital services remains to be seen.

Lampert Makes $4.4 Billion Bid to Keep Sears Alive

Sears Holdings Corp. Chairman Eddie Lampert submitted a $4.4 billion takeover bid for the bankrupt U.S. retailer, representing its only chance of escaping liquidation and laying off tens of thousands of workers, a spokesman for the billionaire’s hedge fund said Friday.

Lampert’s bid is backed in part by $1.3 billion in financing from three different financial institutions, the spokesman for his hedge fund, ESL Investments Inc., said. It would preserve about 425 stores that Sears has yet to close and secure the jobs of up to 50,000 workers out of the 68,000 employed by the retailer. An affiliate of ESL, Transform Holdco LLC, submitted the bid, the spokesman said.

​People familiar with the matter said the financing comes from Sears’ existing lenders Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc, as well Royal Bank of Canada, which was not previously a lender, which together agreed to provide a $950 million asset-based loan and a $350 million revolving credit line.

Some of Lampert’s bid relies on $1.8 billion of Sears debt that ESL already holds and plans to forgive to back the offer, the sources said. The bid also includes about $400 million in financing from non-bank lenders, the sources said.

The bid contemplates assuming protection agreements Sears has previously sold to reassure customers who have bought appliances, televisions, lawn tractors and other big-ticket items, the ESL spokesman said.

“Factoring for all considerations, we believe that our going concern bid provides the best path forward for the company, the best option to save tens of thousands of jobs and is superior for all of Sears’ stakeholders to the alternative of a complete liquidation,” the ESL spokesman said. “Much work remains and there is no assurance our proposal will be completed.”

Next move is Sears’

Sears will now evaluate the bid to determine whether it is viable, and there remains a possibility the company could reject it, some of the sources said.

A Sears spokeswoman declined to comment. Bank representatives either had no immediate comment or did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

A U.S. bankruptcy court judge must approve any sale of Sears. The judge will weigh the opinions of other stakeholders, including unsecured creditors who have argued they could recover more of their investment if the department store operator winds down.

Without the financing or another buyer, Sears faces the prospect of closing its doors for good and putting roughly 68,000 people out of work.

​125-year-old retailer

The 125-year-old retailer filed for bankruptcy Oct. 15 and developed plans to restructure around the sale of 500 stores and businesses including Kenmore, DieHard and the company’s home services division. Only Lampert’s ESL offered to buy the entire company.

The only other bids Sears has received are from suitors interested in pieces of the company and liquidators prepared to run going-out-of-business sales at stores and shut down the retailer.

Sears dates back to the late 1880s. Its mail-order catalogs with merchandise ranging from toys, medicine and gramophones to automobiles, kit houses and tombstones made it the Inc. of its time.

But the iconic retailer gradually lost its shine as consumers increasingly favored brick-and-mortar rivals such as Walmart Inc and Target Corp and e-commerce.

Lampert, who through ESL is Sears’ biggest shareholder and creditor, formed Sears Holdings in 2005 by acquiring Sears Roebuck in an $11 billion deal and combining it with discount chain Kmart, which he had also taken over.

Lampert had pledged to restore Sears to its glory days, when it owned the Sears Tower in Chicago, then the world’s tallest building, and companies that included a radio station and Allstate insurance. But the company stopped turning a profit in 2011, and it gradually started to sell assets, such as its legendary Craftsman brand and many of its properties, to stay afloat.

Sears Holdings listed $6.9 billion in assets and $11.3 billion in liabilities in documents filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York.

The largest U.S. toy retailer, Toys ‘R’ Us, tried to emerge from its 2017 bankruptcy filing but was forced to liquidate six months later after creditors lost confidence in its turnaround plan.

Аваков висміяв запит із Росії до ГПУ про його «притягнення до відповідальності»

Міністр внутрішніх справ України Арсен Аваков висміяв запит Генеральної прокуратури Росії до Генеральної прокуратури України про правову допомогу у притягненні його до кримінальної відповідальності, про яке повідомили у пресі.

«У руслі актуального дискурсу процитую з Приповістей Соломонових: Нерозумному відповіді не давай за нерозум його, щоб і ти не став рівний йому. Коментую документи, що з’явилися у ЗМІ, тільки з причини курйозності підходу: Генеральна прокуратура Росії висловлює готовність надавати ГПУ правову допомогу в розслідуванні справ, учасниками яких Росія і Україна. В цьому випадку я готовий дати свідчення в так званій справі про перешкоджання голосуванню на виборах Путіна в обмін на екстрадицію громадянина Януковича!» – написав Аваков у фейсбуці.

Цитуючи повідомлення преси про чергову кримінальну справу проти нього в Росії, Аваков також заявив: «Я, звісно, не веду обліку, скільки щодо мене відкрито кримінальних справ, бо не вважаю їх хоч скількись обміркованими і обґрунтованими. Всі ж розуміють, що їх відкривають через політичну доцільність із погляду путінського режиму. Але з тієї ж причини кожну таку справу вважаю за позитивну оцінку моєї роботи на посаді міністра внутрішніх справ України».

Він послався на повідомлення видання «Лівий берег» із посиланням на джерело в Генеральній прокуратурі України про те, що Генеральна прокуратура Росії у вересні 2018 року направила в ГПУ запит Слідчого комітету Росії про правову допомогу для притягнення до кримінальної відповідальності міністра внутрішніх справ України Арсена Авакова.

Як мовиться у статті, у квітні 2018 року Головне слідче управління Слідчого комітету Росії порушило кримінальну справу стосовно Авакова через рішення МВС не пускати громадян Росії на виборчі дільниці на материковій частині України на виборах президента Росії 18 березня 2018 року. Ці дії в Росії кваліфікували за статтею російського Кримінального кодексу про «перешкоджання здійсненню виборчих прав або роботі виборчих комісій». У запиті про правову допомогу Україну просять, серед іншого, повідомити про розслідування «фактів перешкоджання участі російських громадян» у Києві, Львові, Одесі й Харкові та надати копії матеріалів. Також росіяни попросили надати інформацію і документи Авакова, такі, як дані про громадянство і видачу паспорта України, про склад сім’ї, про освіту, місце роботи, трудову книжку, службову характеристику та інше.

Тоді, навесні 2018-го, Арсен Аваков заявляв, що громадян Росії не допускатимуть на територію російських дипломатичних установ в Україні для участі в голосуванні на виборах президента Росії, на яких на четвертий термін був знову переобраний Володимир Путін, – за винятком російських дипломатів. При цьому голова МВС послався на заяву Міністерства закордонних справ України про те, що таке голосування буде можливе тільки за умови, що цього голосування Росія не буде проводити на окупованій території України – у Криму і в Севастополі; Росія таки незаконно провела тоді ці вибори.

Росія також відмовляється екстрадувати до України для суду колишнього президента Віктора Януковича, якого в Україні заочно судять у кількох кримінальних справах.

Зі свого боку, Москва останніми роками порушила десятки чи й сотні кримінальних справ проти багатьох громадян України, в тому числі представників найвищого керівництва країни і військових, у першу чергу за звинуваченнями в нібито воєнних злочинах у перебігу захисту України від російської гібридної агресії на Донбасі, але також і з інших причин.

Strong Week, Yet Horrible Month for Wall Street

Wall Street capped a week of volatile trading Friday with an uneven finish and the market’s first weekly gain since November. 


Losses in technology, energy and industrial stocks outweighed gains in retailers and other consumer-focused companies. Stocks spent much of the day wavering between small gains and losses, ultimately unable to maintain the momentum from a two-day winning streak. 


Even so, the major stock indexes closed with their first weekly gain in what’s been an otherwise painful last month of the year. The Dow Jones industrial average and S&P 500 rose more than 2 percent for the week, while the Nasdaq added nearly 4 percent. The indexes are still all down around 10 percent for the month and on track for their worst December since 1931. 


“It seems like convulsions in either direction have been the real norm for much of December and that’s certainly been the case this week,” said Eric Wiegand, senior portfolio manager for Private Wealth Management at U.S. Bank. “The initial push higher and then seeing it subside a little bit is perhaps getting back to a little bit more of a normal environment, reflecting the reality that we have still a number of issues overhanging the market.” 


The market’s sharp downturn since October has intensified this month, erasing all its 2018 gains and nudging the S&P 500 closer to its worst year since 2008. 


Investors have grown worried that the testy U.S.-China trade dispute and higher interest rates would slow the economy, hurting corporate profits. This week, with trading volumes lower than usual because of the Christmas holiday, served up some pronounced swings in the market. 


A steep sell-off during the shortened trading session on Christmas Eve left the major indexes down more than 2 percent. On Wednesday, stocks mounted a stunning rebound, posting the market’s best day in 10 years as the Dow shot up more than 1,000 points for its biggest single-day point gain ever. 

Late reversal


The market appeared ready to give much of those gains back on Thursday, before a late-afternoon reversal that erased a 600-point drop in the Dow left the market with a two-day winning streak. 


“The market was so oversold and then Wednesday and Thursday were key reversal days, but also stronger closes than opens,” said Janet Johnston, portfolio manager at TrimTabs Asset Management. 


“The market was starting to price in the worst-case scenario: a recession,” Johnston said 


Still, the market’s downturn has left stocks substantially less expensive than they were heading into the fourth quarter, Johnston noted. 


“And that sets up a good buying opportunity,” she said. 


On Friday, the S&P 500 index fell 3.09 points, or 0.1 percent, to 2,485.74. The Dow Jones industrial average dropped 76.42 points, or 0.3 percent, to 23,062.40. The average had briefly climbed to 243 points. 


The Nasdaq added 5.03 points, or 0.1 percent, to 6,584.52. The Russell 2000 index of smaller-company stocks climbed 6.11 points, or 0.5 percent, to  1,337.92. 


Technology companies, a big driver of the market’s gains before things deteriorated in October, were among the big decliners. Alliance Data Systems dropped 1.4 percent to $149.82. 


Oil prices recovered after wavering in midmorning trading. Benchmark U.S. crude rose 1.6 percent to settle at $45.33 a barrel in New York. Brent crude, used to price international oils, inched up 0.1 percent to close at $52.20 a barrel in London. 


Despite the rise in oil prices, energy sector stocks declined. Cabot Oil & Gas slid 3.5 percent to $22.95, while Hess lost 2.8 percent to $40.38. 


Retailers and other consumer-focused companies fared better. Amazon rose 1.1 percent to $1,478.02. 


Wells Fargo settlement

Wells Fargo rose 0.5 percent to $45.78 on news that the lender has agreed to pay $575 million in a national settlement with state attorneys general over its fake bank accounts scandal. The San Francisco-based bank has acknowledged that its employees opened millions of unauthorized bank accounts for customers in order to meet unrealistic sales goals. 


Tesla climbed 5.6 percent to $333.87 after naming two independent directors to its board under an agreement with federal regulators. 


Homebuilders fell broadly in the morning after the National Association of Realtors said its pending home sales index fell last month as fewer Americans signed contracts to buy homes. Higher mortgage rates and prices are squeezing would-be buyers out of the market, especially in the West. The stocks mostly recovered by midafternoon. William Lyon Homes gained 3.4 percent to $10.81. 


Bond prices recovered after a midday dip, sending the yield on the 10-year Treasury down to 2.72 percent from 2.74 percent late Thursday. 


The dollar declined to 110.41 yen from Thursday’s 110.74 yen. The euro weakened to $1.1442 from $1.1449. 


Gold edged up 0.1 percent to $1,283 an ounce and silver gained 0.8 percent to $15.44 an ounce. Copper rose 0.5 percent to $2.68 a pound. 


Overseas, major indexes in Europe closed higher while markets in Asia mostly rose. London’s FTSE 100 gained 2.3 percent, while the Nikkei 225 index fell 0.3 percent.  

Wells Fargo Agrees to $575 Million US Settlement on Consumer Ills

Wells Fargo agreed to a $575 million nationwide settlement over its opening of millions of unauthorized customer accounts and other alleged predatory practices, the bank and U.S. authorities announced Friday.

The agreement between the bank and attorneys general from the 50 states plus the District of Columbia covers a series of scandals that have dogged the big U.S. bank since 2016, when it was fined $185 million by U.S. regulators over its so-called fake accounts scandal.

Wells Fargo, which replaced its chief executive and overhauled its system for compensating staff in the wake of the debacle, said the deal “underscores our serious commitment to making things right in regard to past issues as we work to build a better bank.”

In addition to the payments, the San Francisco-based bank agreed to maintain a dedicated team and website to help consumers work through the problem and to periodically report to the states on the status of remediation efforts.

The agreement will help address conduct that was “unlawful and disgraceful,” said California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, whose state will receive $148.7 million, by the far the largest settlement.

“Instead of safeguarding its customers, Wells Fargo exploited them, signing them up for products — from bank accounts to insurance — that they never wanted,” Becerra said.

“This is an incredible breach of trust that threatens not only the customers who depended on Wells Fargo, but confidence in our banking system.”

Wells Fargo has identified some 3.5 million accounts and 528,000 online bill-pay enrollments that may have not been authorized by customers, according to allegations listed in the settlement.

Other alleged violations short-changed consumers on auto insurance, mortgage rates and collateral protection insurance.

У міжнародних експертів 30 днів на перевірку кандидатів до антикорупційного суду – Transparency International

Міжнародні експерти мають 30 днів для того, щоб ветувати сумнівних кандидатів на посади у Вищому антикорупційному суді, повідомляє міжнародна антикорупційна організація Transparency International Ukraine.

27 грудня Вища кваліфікаційна комісія суддів оприлюднила результати іспитів кандидатів, до Вищого антикорупційного суду, зокрема й до Апеляційної палати ВАС.

До 26 січня члени Громадської ради міжнародних експертів мають перевірити кандидатів і ветувати тих із них, які викликають сумніви, пояснюють у Transparency International.

«У разі, якщо міжнародні експерти матимуть сумніви щодо доброчесності та професійності того чи іншого кандидата, вони ініціюватимуть розгляд цього питання на спільному засіданні із ВККС. Якщо щонайменше троє із шести членів ГРМЕ не підтвердять доброчесність та професійність певного кандидата, такий кандидат залишить конкурс», – йдеться в заяві організації.

Згідно з нею, активісти від Transparency International, Центру протидії корупції, фундації DEJURE і Автомайдану проаналізували список кандидатів і знайшли серед них тих, хто виносив вироки учасникам Революції гідності та осіб, чия етичність викликає сумніви.

Громадські діячі планують презентувати перелік тих кандидатів, яких не вважають гідними працювати в антикорупційному суді, 9 січня.​

У листопаді Кабінет міністрів України виділив для антикорупційного суду приміщення в Солом’янському районі Києва.

Читайте також: В Антикорупційний суд можуть потрапити «сірі» кандидати – Красносільська​

Верховна Рада України ухвалила в цілому закон про Вищий антикорупційний суд 7 червня 2018 року.

21 червня Верховна Рада схвалила президентський законопроект про запуск Вищого антикорупційного суду.

Ухвалення закону про антикорупційний суд домагалися від України її західні партнери, воно було однією з умов продовження співпраці Києва з Міжнародним валютним фондом.

Створення спеціалізованого антикорупційного суду передбачив закон про судоустрій і статус суддів, ухвалений 2016 року.

US Army Looks for a Few Good Robots, Sparks Industry Battle

The U.S. Army is looking for a few good robots. Not to fight — not yet, at least — but to help the men and women who do.

These robots aren’t taking up arms, but the companies making them have waged a different kind of battle. At stake is a contract worth almost half a billion dollars for 3,000 backpack-sized robots that can defuse bombs and scout enemy positions. Competition for the work has spilled over into Congress and federal court.

The project and others like it could someday help troops “look around the corner, over the next hillside and let the robot be in harm’s way and let the robot get shot,” said Paul Scharre, a military technology expert at the Center for a New American Security.


WATCH: US Army Looks for a Few Good Robots, Sparks Industry Battle

The big fight over small robots opens a window into the intersection of technology and national defense and shows how fear that China could surpass the U.S. drives even small tech startups to play geopolitics to outmaneuver rivals. It also raises questions about whether defense technology should be sourced solely to American companies to avoid the risk of tampering by foreign adversaries.

Regardless of which companies prevail, the competition foreshadows a future in which robots, which are already familiar military tools, become even more common. The Army’s immediate plans alone envision a new fleet of 5,000 ground robots of varying sizes and levels of autonomy. The Marines, Navy and Air Force are making similar investments.

“My personal estimate is that robots will play a significant role in combat inside of a decade or a decade and a half,” the chief of the Army, Gen. Mark Milley, said in May at a Senate hearing where he appealed for more money to modernize the force.

Milley warned that adversaries like China and Russia “are investing heavily and very quickly” in the use of aerial, sea and ground robots. And now, he added, “we are doing the same.”

Such a shift will be a “huge game-changer for combat,” said Scharre, who credits Milley’s leadership for the push.

The promise of such big Pentagon investments in robotics has been a boon for U.S. defense contractors and technology startups. But the situation is murkier for firms with foreign ties.

Concerns that popular commercial drones made by Chinese company DJI could be vulnerable to spying led the Army to ban their use by soldiers in 2017. And in August, the Pentagon published a report that said China is conducting espionage to acquire foreign military technologies — sometimes by using students or researchers as “procurement agents and intermediaries.” At a December defense expo in Egypt, some U.S. firms spotted what they viewed as Chinese knock-offs of their robots.

The China fears came to a head in a bitter competition between Israeli firm Roboteam and Massachusetts-based Endeavor Robotics over a series of major contracts to build the Army’s next generation of ground robots. Those machines will be designed to be smarter and easier to deploy than the remote-controlled rovers that have helped troops disable bombs for more than 15 years.

The biggest contract — worth $429 million — calls for mass producing 25-pound robots that are light, easily maneuverable and can be “carried by infantry for long distances without taxing the soldier,” said Bryan McVeigh, project manager for force projection at the Army’s research and contracting center in Warren, Michigan.

Other bulkier prototypes are tank-sized unmanned supply vehicles that have been tested in recent weeks in the rough and wintry terrain outside Fort Drum, New York.

A third $100 million contract — won by Endeavor in late 2017 — is for a midsized reconnaissance and bomb-disabling robot nicknamed the Centaur.

The competition escalated into a legal fight when Roboteam accused Endeavor, a spinoff of iRobot, which makes Roomba vacuum cleaners, of dooming its prospects for those contracts by hiring a lobbying firm that spread false information to politicians about the Israeli firm’s Chinese investors.

A federal judge dismissed Roboteam’s lawsuit in April.

“They alleged that we had somehow defamed them,” said Endeavor CEO Sean Bielat, a former Marine who twice ran for Congress as a Republican. “What we had done was taken publicly available documents and presented them to members of Congress because we think there’s a reason to be concerned about Chinese influence on defense technologies.”

The lobbying firm, Boston-based Sachem Strategies, circulated a memo to members of the House Armed Services Committee. Taking up Endeavor’s cause was Rep. Seth Moulton, a Massachusetts Democrat — and, like Bielat, a Marine veteran — who wrote a letter to a top military official in December 2016 urging the Army to “examine the evidence of Chinese influence” before awarding the robot contracts.

Six other lawmakers later raised similar concerns.

Roboteam CEO Elad Levy declined to comment on the dispute but said the firm is still “working very closely with U.S. forces,” including the Air Force, and other countries. But it’s no longer in the running for the lucrative Army opportunities.

Endeavor is. Looking something like a miniature forklift on tank treads, its prototype called the Scorpion has been zipping around a test track behind an office park in a Boston suburb.

The only other finalist is just 20 miles away at the former Massachusetts headquarters of Foster-Miller, now a part of British defense contractor Qinetiq. The company did not respond to repeated requests for comment. The contract is expected to be awarded in early 2019.

Both Endeavor and Qinetiq have strong track records with the U.S. military, having supplied it with its earlier generation of ground robots such as Endeavor’s Packbot and Qinetiq’s Talon and Dragon Runner.

After hiding the Scorpion behind a shroud at a recent Army conference, Bielat and engineers at Endeavor showed it for the first time publicly to The Associated Press in November. Using a touchscreen controller that taps into the machine’s multiple cameras, an engineer navigated it through tunnels, over a playground-like structure and through an icy pool of water, and used its grabber to pick up objects.

It’s a smaller version of its predecessor, the Packbot, which was first used by U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 2002 and later became one of soldiers’ essential tools for safely disabling improvised explosives in Iraq. Bielat said the newer Scorpion and Centaur robots are designed to be easier for the average soldier to use quickly without advanced technical training.

“Their primary job is to be a rifle squad member,” Bielat said. “They don’t have time to mess with the robot. They’re going to demand greater levels of autonomy.”

It will be a while, however, before any of these robots become fully autonomous. The Defense Department is cautious about developing battlefield machines that make their own decisions. That sets the U.S. apart from efforts by China and Russia to design artificially intelligent warfighting arsenals.

A November report from the Congressional Research Service said that despite the Pentagon’s “insistence” that a human must always be in the loop, the military could soon feel compelled to develop fully autonomous systems if rivals do the same. Or, as with drones, humans will still pull the trigger, but a far-away robot will lob the bombs.

Said P.W. Singer, a strategist for the New America Foundation think tank: “China has showed off armed ones. Russia has showed them off. It’s coming.”


Cybersecurity Law: Vietnam Will Censor Internet, Not Close Websites

Expect to get caught if you post anti-government material on the internet in Vietnam or take a phishing trip. From 2019 authorities can build evidence against you from material provided by email services and social media networks including Facebook. Yet the country, mindful of its role in the emerging digital economy, won’t close down websites the way China does.

Vietnam has long walked a thin line between a free internet as part of its economic growth and resistance against what market research firm IDC’s country manager Lam Nguyen calls “digital disasters.” The country is getting testier toward online dissent at the same time.

A draft Cybersecurity Law decree to take effect Jan. 1 after 18 months in the making will help the communist government reach these goals by ordering service providers to do some of its surveillance work.

Despite objections from Google and Facebook, global social media as well as email and e-commerce providers may be asked to store data in Vietnam, according to the Cybersecurity Law. Alternately, they can self-censor, turn over customer profiles and delete certain content, Nguyen said.

“It’s like saying OK, as an online service provider with Vietnam users, you do collect data about such users and their online activities, but you are letting users use your platform or services for unlawful activities, so please come to the front of the line (so) that we can keep an eye out for you,” said Yee Chung Seck, partner with the Baker McKenzie law firm in Ho Chi Minh City.

Catching up in cybersecurity

According to a United Nations index, Vietnam ranked 101 out of 165 countries in exposure to cyberattacks. 

“Vietnam has been historically weak when in it comes to cybersecurity,” cyber intelligence analyst Emilio Iasiello wrote in a commentary for the Cyber Research Databank.

Domestic websites were hit by more than 6,500 malware or phishing attacks in the first eight months of 2018, Viet Nam News reports.

Vietnam does not block the websites of foreign internet services that could spread objectionable content. Vietnam, like much of Asia, is trying to develop a digital economy, but unlike China it lacks easy-to-control homegrown alternates to the major Silicon Valley internet firms.

“Obviously, the business and user communities are more likely hoping to avoid censorship of the internet outright, due to the growing digital commerce economy and also wanting a platform where freedom of expressions and opinions are allowed,” Nguyen said.

A digital economy gives Vietnam an opportunity to resolve “big issues in its economic development,” the deputy minister of industry and trade was quoted saying in June. The manufacturing-reliant economy has grown 6 to 7 percent per year since 2012.

About 70 percent of Vietnam’s 92 million people use the internet, with 53 million on social media sites.

Protest from multinational internet content providers

After Vietnam’s National Assembly approved the Cybersecurity Law in June, 17 U.S. congressional representatives sent a letter to Google and Facebook. They urged both to avoid storing data in Vietnam, to establish “transparent guidelines” on content removal and to publish the number of requests for removal.

Facebook, Google and other foreign internet companies said earlier this month via a lobbying group that requirements to localize data would hobble investment and economic growth in Vietnam. The law also requires firms with more than 10,000 local users to set up local representative offices.

Facebook said for this report it “remains committed to its community in Vietnam and in helping Vietnamese businesses grow at home and abroad.”

Internet providers also worry the cybersecurity law gives “too much power” to Vietnam’s police ministry and lacks “due process,” Nguyen said. Authorities, they fear, could “seize customer data” and expose a provider’s users, partners or employees to arrest, which goes against privacy protection policies, he said.

​Fear among online activists

Vietnam is looking to the cybersecurity law as well to control public criticism of government activity, activist bloggers believe. A string of Vietnamese bloggers was arrested in 2016 and 2017.

Authorities will be able to collect user names, profiles and data on their friends, media reports and analysts say.

“This law threatens and further curbs freedom to information, infringes (on) personal privacy, and will be certainly used as a tool to give more power to police force, which violates rights, even on behalf of the court on judging on the use of internet,” Hanoi-based internet blogger and human rights activist Nguyen Lan Thang said.

Vietnamese activists leaned heavily on internet media to spread information about what they considered slow government reaction to a mass fish die-off in 2016. They use it now to decry corruption.

“The Cybersecurity Law will have a huge impact on Vietnam’s dissidents and online activists. It will be a tool to silence dissidents, social commentators, and activists in general,” said Vu Quoc Ngu, a writer in Hanoi and director of the non-profit Defend the Defender.

Vu Pham, Michelle Quinn of VOA contributed to this report.